Our Kiddo's

Thursday, July 23, 2009
So our summer is flying by us but were tryin to get some fun in the sun so were headed upto garrison hoping for some beach time fishing and in libs words dad dont forget the tube! She has been pumped ever since i told her we were goin shes talked about tubing and whos drivin the boat grandpa or dad and that shes gonna catch a big fish! so were on our way right now as i write this! Funny little story bout libs: yesterday i was doin laundry and i looked over and seen libs strangling our house kitty lucy i told her no and she says to me but mom i want to choke her! so my first question is where did she learn what chokin is but i think i might of found the answer dad had a tape of the ufc fights and i watched most of it while she was napping but the last fight she got to see and she asked me why are they fightin are they naughty boys! 2nd ? to libbys answer why does she WANT to choke the cat! oh well i guess poor lucy! some sad news so far our 2nd child otis has ran away hes been gone 4 a full 24 hours now i really hope to find him soon ill keep ya all posted and i promise to post some pics soon too!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Pretty Sure it's the next best thing to heaven!!!
So were home now!BLAH!!!! I had an absoultely fun time up north! We fished swam tubed kneeboarded tubed turtle raced gambled and everything in between! Weather was great! The onle thing else I could've asked for is to stay longer but we made work commitments and came home early! On our way home lastnight Lib slept over half of the way home when she woke up she asked where we goin I said home and she said she didnt want to go home she wanted to go back to the cabin!(ME TOOO)!! Yesterday was a big day We did the whole turtle race thing Libs got 1st place wohooo!! But weird thing my kid the kid who has no fear made sure she touched all the fish we caught and caught minnows jumped in the lake went faster and faster on the tube, didnt really take a liken to the whole turtle thing! We went up to the inner racin circle picked out our turtle and the minute I grabbed it Libby screamed and ran a way from me I tried to tell her it was ok but she wasnt havin it, there was only one problem to this situation I needed the number off her button that was attached to her shirt and she wouldnt let me near her with the turtle so she was runnin away from me with 250 plus people watchin this little scene! Kristi came in for back up and we did get the number off her finally and our Little turtle managed to be speedy enough to Win!!! Lastnight when we got home and unpacked me and Libs were talkin about bed time I told her she had to sleep in her own room tonight in her own big girl bed and she says to me I wanna sleep in your bed I told her no and she put her hands on her hips and says mama u need to share!!! What do ya say this logic u teach ur kids to share their toys but some how u have to reason the stipulations! In the end she did lay with us in our bed for a few minutes and did sleep in her bed it turned out to be a good compromise!!! But now were home life goes on Libby stayed with ed and bessie for the day today they had a blast playin and goin to Mc Donalds Libby told grandma she was so mad at her and when grandma asked why she said because her mama was at work!! Oh well it all ended well and everyone was happy I'm home now finded myself day dreamin back to the lake So So Pretty up there!!!(Ps if u look close at the photo's ull see one where libs face looks kind of swollen she was bit by a wasp!)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Vacation Vacation!
Were up in longville havin a blast we have swam tubed kneeboarded fished ate ice cream and soaked up some sun sounds like a pretty good vacation to me! I think libs is made for this type of vacation she LOVES to tube shes yelling faster faster and wohoo while her cousins are grittin there teeth and sayin slow down! tommorrow were turtle racin and headin for home time has went fast and weve had fun!
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