Our Kiddo's

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Don't get Fancy just get Dancy!

Well its our weekly Dancin Friday, the girls and I turn the tunes up and dance all around the house! They LOVE it and I gotta say it's one of my favorite days as well!! Piper even get's into it now and shakes her lil booty too! Lib's loves to rock out just as much as she loves to girl it up, when a slower song comes on she's immediatly putting on her play fancy shoes and a dress and goes twirling around the house! I gotta say right now for Piper she digs the one with a good beat, she immediatly starts bobbing her head and doing her little squat dance! Can't believe she's already one! Her birthday and Parties went well! I made her a teddy bear cake and a Lady bug cake, she didnt dive into the cakes like I expected! But you should of seen her pack away the hotdogs at one of her parties!! She ate 3!! She didnt want anything else but hotdogs! Everyday her personality is comin out more and more! She's this little comedian who laughs at her own quirks, she's super duper ticklish and loves to talk!! She can say stop it now and you can understand milk when she's trying to say that! She's got a little devilish side to her followed with this evil chuckle and smirk...like now everyday she goes to our entry way and throws all our shoes over the basement door so in the morning when your in a hurry you have to go down to the basement and sometimes under the steps to find your shoes! As for Lib's she's spunk,goofball,and Drama Queen all rolled up into one! I would say being 4 for her as been a crazy, her emotions are all over the place and she doesn't quite know how to show it...well other then extremely! She's a super big sister she plays well with Piper on most days! She's ready for summer so we can go to the cabin! Right now she has this phobia of all bugs...any kind including house flies so we will see how her management skilld come when it comes to mosquito's! I already gave her the talk that this summer there will be lots of bugs and she never minded before and she shouldnt be scared. I talked to her about mosquitos and she was freaked out..she asked do they bite you..ummmmm. what do I say to this question?? I did tell her yes but she wont bleed, etc etc. Ya I don't know how it all went, she kind of looked at me with this mortified confused look...like I can't believe my mom is telling me ya these bugs will bite you and your not gonna die...maybe not so much! Kind of look! The girls for there birthdays got money from the grandparents to go towards a trampoline so their pretty excited to get to have one this summer! Well I think thats about everything we are all ready for easter, going to dye eggs tomorrow, we have the bell side tonite, grandma soost tomorrow then mom and dads on sunday, should be fun..Libby who was made for parties and holidays is pretty excited!! Happy easter!!!
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