Our Kiddo's

Friday, September 9, 2011
Where did Summer Go?
Well, summer was here..we swam, we fished, we played, we vacationed, we had bonfires, we had our 2nd annual Bellstock..we CONQUERED summer!! Still I wonder why it seems like it was a blink of an eye and over? I noticed on my blog I pretty much took the month of august off..besides my occasional side photo from my phone! So I think I'm going to recap for everyone, and of course for my kiddo's since the main reason I do the blog is for a sort of scrap book for them to look back on! First part of August brought the fair..Libby and Piper LOVED the rides, I however was reminded that I'm not the young carefree pup anymore, I talked my nephew dugan into goin on the zipper with me...NIGHTMARE, it was truly the 5 min entrance ride to hell! My little man's heart was pounding so hard and he was breathing so heavy making the occasional call out to god..while we quickly found out he wasn't big enough to hold himself in the cage, which left me to hold him tight with one arm and hold me with the other, for a moment I thought I was going to get puked on but he held it in, he even managed to fight back the tears, when we got off the ride he went straight to the stroller and sat down, and i did all I could not to let my knees buckle..when I went to bed that night my head was still spinning! Libby's favorite ride was the ferris wheel, I accompanied her on this ride..she loved to rock the seat when we were on the very top..which made all the rust show even more...I think next yr we will hit up valleyfair..where the ride operaters have teeth and the rides are not put up in a day! Later in the month we held our 2nd anual bellstock, Libby could not wait for the slip n slide! She rode that thing the whole day, even Piper loved it! We had about 15-20 kids running around and they had a blast! After bellstock I went on a trip to canada with my dad and brother and uncle..we had a blast caught tons of fish, and had beautiful weather...could'nt ask for more than that! Then LaborDay wknd was here we went up to Larry's, the girls swam one day, the rest of the days were a little to chilly so we played and Josh and I took the girls out fishing, they had a blast! Libby caught a little perch and I gave it to Piper to throw back in the lake..but to my surprise lil fishy didn't quite make it to the lake,,at least not right away, Piper decided she needed to taste test it first! I looked over and there she was holding the fish and sucking on him like a sucker, she quickly took him out and kind of licked her lips and said UCK!! She later tried to taste a worm but we stopped her before that happened! Libby had a blast roasting marshmellows, and going for walks! Now we find ourselves one wknd away from school starting and dance for libby, she's pretty excited, she got a letter from her teacher the other day and hugged it and kissed it and said she couldn'twait for school to start! She's growing up to fast..she knows how to work my smartphone better than me, she downloads app's makes calls and takes photos, she even knows how to record herself singing then listen to the playbacks! As for Piper she's a ball of monkey fire...if there is something that you could remotely climb she will, put in her mouth she will, she's our lil monster! She's talking more and more her new thing is whenever you talk to her she responds with a HUH..you repeat she says..HUH..you repeat again she says HUH..and smiles! She has a little devil laugh when she knows shes being mischievous, she dances like nobody's buisness! She loves to come at ya and say tickle tickle in a low voice while scrunching her hands up..only she pinches not tickles! She's got all her chompers in and is starting to identify her nose, mouth, and eyes(quick warning..close your eyes when you ask her where your eyes are!! My babies are growing up to fast!!!!!
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