Our Kiddo's

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Final Countdown!

Well Libby's a weekend away from having her tonsil's and adnoids removed and her new set of tubes! On the mom side of it all, I'm not nervous about the surgery itself at all...what I am nervous about is her feelings being hurt or her trust in the dr.'s..Weird I'm sure but I have complete faith in the procedure and the outcome it is going to have, that I can wrap my brain around, but how my 4yr old very perceptive, trusting, loving lil girl is going to react makes me worried! Other than that I'm excited to have it done and watch her have her hearing return! We went to Walmart and let her pick out all her goodies, she picked out Neopolitan ice cream, crayon shaped popsicles, chicken ramen noodles, spaghettio o's, and some juice box's so she's pretty pumped for all that..I'm just not so sure she quite understands what is all happening to get those good treats but none the less it gives her something to look forwards too! I gotta give her some credit she had her pre op done last friday and did great! She had to get blood taken and I was thinking the drama queen was going to come out and I was going to be one of "those" parents! But they called Libby back and she went back without hesitation the lab lady told what was going to go down and libby just listened and nodded, I watched her face and could see all the little wheels turning and processing it all she looked up at me for reassurance I gave a smile and continued to chase Piper around the Lab, Libs then held her finger out, the lady wiped her finger and gave it a prick..Libby's eyes got HUGE she did a little jump looked at the lab tech and smiled and said..I didnt even cry! I was SOOO proud of her! This is my child who bawls at the site of her own blood and screams I'm bleeding blood I'm bleeding blood(this is all at the reaction of a scratch!) But none the less she was tough and brave and walked out with a ton of goodies! So who knows Monday might be a breeze!fingers crossed! Tonite we have Autumn, Dugan and Brooke over so Libs and Piper are in heaven, they have been playing well! I went to Put piper the monster to bed..usually not an issue at all but tonite marks the night of a new era! I put her to bed and 10 min later I hear two little footsteps and a butt drag on the steps..repeated over and over I open the door and there Piper is Blanky and all 4 steps away from freedom! She see's me and gives me her devilish trademark smirk! So I let her play awhile with the other kids and put her up to bed a 2nd time..this time it takes less than 5 min and she's at the bottom of the steps rearing to go! So now as I write this Autimn,Dugan,Brooke and Libby are in Bed and Piper is sitting on the floor playing Barbies! She is going to be my challenge! Halloween was a HUGE success! The girls had a blast, when Piper realized all you had to do was knock on peoples doors and hold a bucket and they fill it with candy..she did an evil little laugh and was on to the next house! Libby kept telling me MOM this is SOOO much fun! THIS is AWESOME!! So seeing their faces and how much fun they were having was a BLAST! They got a ton of candy and Piper couldn't eat enough of Reeses peanut butter cups(sometimes still in the wrapper)!!Libby's choice out of all the candy was the fruit rollups hands down! With Halloween being over I'm ready for the rest of the yr! As I close this post tonite I ask for prayers for my Libby to have a smooth surgery on monday!!
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