Our Kiddo's

Saturday, December 6, 2014
Lil Man is growing up...too fast!
Holy smokes look who decided to pull himself upto his feet to come see me...7mos...bet he's walking by 9
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Hello ladies!!!!! Im 5 months old I officially got my first tooth Sept 30th! I love sweet potatoes, my puppy, my sisters, im ticklish under my arms, I love to suck my thumb..and when I sleep I suck my tongue like my sister Piper! I want to put everything in my mouth and I really know how to flirt! You can pretty much say im a stud!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Harv has found his toes!!! I know it's not a huge monument but its those little things you notice that make u realize ur baby is growing up! He has his 2 lower incisors working on coming in, he reaches and puts everything in his mouth, he laughs daily....usually at Clara and the girls! He loves being talked to and loves loves to be cuddled!!! As for the girls Piper has had to miss preschool this week she has came down with hand foot and mouth...not fun! But shes a trooper! She has been loving spending some alone time with grandma, shes still as sassy as ever..Miss Libby is settling into school pretty well now, she tells me when she gets older she wants to be a pop star!
Friday, September 5, 2014
Harvey is four months!!! He loves sweet potatoes and squash! Applesauce is a close favorite! He isnt fond of prunes or bananas. Hes been rolling over both ways now for a couple of weeks, we started him in the jumper three days ago and he now has it mastered and LOVES it! Hes super ticklish under his arms! He truly is a happy happy boy!
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Thursday, June 26, 2014
My baby is two months old today!! Holy smokes time has flown! He's smiling a lot now and loves to kick and look around, he loves being outside and being sang too! The girls cant get enough of him, every morning they come down and ask if they can hold baby Harvey! The summer has been flying by, the girls have been swimming, staying up late, playing outside, we went to the library, we've been up north, they play computer, we have had a picnic in the park, we have played baseball and visited grandma bessie often..so Its been an awesome summer. I am sad to see it go so fast, I only have 4 weeks left to be off with them, I am so grateful that I have had this time because im pretty sure this is the only time ill get to do this! The kids grow up soo fast id like to push pause once in awhile!
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
1month old tomorrow? ??!!! Today is my last day of having a solo day with this lil man..I have a ton of work to do around the house to get ready for baptism...but I have decided to cuddle my morning away with this handsome little fella! Hes been doing really well, hes a low key easy going little man, who eats a TON! :) hes eating 4oz bottles every two to 3 hours. He does have a little cold right now with a stuffy nose and mattery eyes but other than that life is good! He loves bath time, he can be crying because hes naked and the minute you put him in the water he stops and is like ohhh ya! The girls love him Piper is extremely protective and sometimes overly loving to him! Piper is done with her 1st year of preschool and is ready for summer and swimming, libby is done on friday and will be in swimming, softball and a basketball camp. Life is good and busy and we are lovin life!!
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Monday, May 5, 2014
Introducing Harvey Edward Bell! 8lbs 7oz 21 inches long!! Born May 1st! Josh and I couldn't be anymore proud of our little guy!! Hes captured our hearts. The girls and I are defiantly smitten over him! Hes a smuggler and not much of a fusser, the only thing right now that he gets upset about is if I decide to change his diaper before he gets to eat! So far since hes been home which is since Saturday 3 days he has went through 8/10 outfits...we are still getting the hang of diapering a boy :/ ! Other thAn that all is well and I will post more pics!!!
Saturday, April 5, 2014
My Piper Ann is 4!!!!! Where has time gone!! She is completely in LOVE with her babies...she plays babies whenever she gets the chance, she loves doughnuts, twice baked potatoes, steak and chicken legs! Shes super excited for her brother Oscar to get here...in fact thru out my whole pregnancy we told her after her birthday he would be here...well it worked until now...as soon as she was done opening gifts she asked if her brother was coming! For the morning of her birthday she was surprised with her doughnut birthday cake, followed up with a doughnut run to grandpa, Casey, and mark! Then she wanted mcds and home to play until preschool...I dropped her off to preschool and she brought....u guessed it doughnuts! Then she has asked me all yr to pick her up from preschool and I have never been able to so I made sure for her birthday I would...when I came in she grabbed my hand and said to
me thank u soo much for picking me up today mama!....talk about make my day!! We then went and got Libby and went home...she fell asleep on the way home so we let her take a short snooze..she than was able to request her bday supper of chicken legs and mashed potatoes and corn!! She had a blast! She got her my life doll and outfits for it, along with her four wheeler helmet! She got clothes and her cotton candy she requested...side note she also asked for hand sanitizer as well! All in all she had a great day and now that shes four she says shes taller and can dump things...*aka* pour things into a cup herself with out help!!! Life is Good!!!
me thank u soo much for picking me up today mama!....talk about make my day!! We then went and got Libby and went home...she fell asleep on the way home so we let her take a short snooze..she than was able to request her bday supper of chicken legs and mashed potatoes and corn!! She had a blast! She got her my life doll and outfits for it, along with her four wheeler helmet! She got clothes and her cotton candy she requested...side note she also asked for hand sanitizer as well! All in all she had a great day and now that shes four she says shes taller and can dump things...*aka* pour things into a cup herself with out help!!! Life is Good!!!
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Monday, February 3, 2014
Shes officially 7!! She had a blast!! We had a family party, followed up with a day of her choice which included breakfast with grandma, kids work shop and than olive garden and bounce world than on sunday we had 17 friends come swimming for her friends bday party!! Needless to say she had a blast and im super tired!! I cant believe shes already 7 where has the time gone. Her top interest right now are legos, crafts, reading singing and dancing. Her favorite movie is pitch perfect and she has now lost 7 teeth total! Shes still my girly girl. I love her to pieces and I can't believe shes already 7!! :)
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