Our Kiddo's

Our Kiddo's

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Harv has found his toes!!! I know it's not a huge monument but its those little things you notice that make u realize ur baby is growing up! He has his 2 lower incisors working on coming in, he reaches and puts everything in his mouth, he laughs daily....usually at Clara and the girls! He loves being talked to and loves loves to be cuddled!!! As for the girls Piper has had to miss preschool this week she has came down with hand foot and mouth...not fun! But shes a trooper! She has been loving spending some alone time with grandma, shes still as sassy as ever..Miss Libby is settling into school pretty well now, she tells me when she gets older she wants to be a pop star!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Piper doesn't always torment him..pretty proud she got little bro to sleep!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Harvey is four months!!! He loves sweet potatoes and squash! Applesauce is a close favorite! He isnt fond of prunes or bananas. Hes been rolling over both ways now for a couple of weeks, we started him in the jumper three days ago and he now has it mastered and LOVES it! Hes super ticklish under his arms! He truly is a happy happy boy!