Our Kiddo's

Sunday, October 18, 2015
So I'm way behind on my family blog! A lot has happened since my last post! After all we went on our family trip to Longville/little boy, the kids had a blast as always! Harvey and Piper fed bags of puff corn to the seagulls while I fished! They raced turtles, harv was infatuated by the turtle! We did Garrison. Over labor day and found Harvey has a real passion for floating in the lake on a floaty. Then school started! Piper hit the kindergarten thing by storm, learning to tie her shoes..she's still gotta fine tune it but she's got the basics! She's grown up a lot this summer from riding her own bike to tying shoes to starting kindergarten! She makes me laugh daily, I know I will have my run for it come teenager years! Just the other day I told her she was acting like a brat and she told me I guess you don't love me with all your heart than do you! She's a sassy quick witted, kind
hearted but don't take crap from anyone type! Libby too has been busy, she started the 3rd grade, it's been an adjustment but she's handling it well! She's had a couple friends overnight and she's had a blast! She's crashed the golf cart twice, josh and I hope that phase is done! She's constantly singing, constantly dancing...she just loves life! She's really in to Hollister right now..and boots! I feel she's 8 going on 20. As for Harv he's a monster he's on the move always! He's got all his teeth..and has been using them at daycare..:( ! We are trying to get this broke! He's infatuated with shoes,trucks,grapes,and playing cat and mouse or monster! His silly personality is coming out more and rending more! He's saying prolly 12 words and more keep coming! That's andrenddndmd quick news flash! I'll try and get better!
hearted but don't take crap from anyone type! Libby too has been busy, she started the 3rd grade, it's been an adjustment but she's handling it well! She's had a couple friends overnight and she's had a blast! She's crashed the golf cart twice, josh and I hope that phase is done! She's constantly singing, constantly dancing...she just loves life! She's really in to Hollister right now..and boots! I feel she's 8 going on 20. As for Harv he's a monster he's on the move always! He's got all his teeth..and has been using them at daycare..:( ! We are trying to get this broke! He's infatuated with shoes,trucks,grapes,and playing cat and mouse or monster! His silly personality is coming out more and rending more! He's saying prolly 12 words and more keep coming! That's andrenddndmd quick news flash! I'll try and get better!
Monday, June 29, 2015
Friday, May 1, 2015
My Lil Man is One today!!!! He's the only one who has taught me what love at first sight is! He has captured my heart from the second I laid eyes on him! He sat up at 6 mos crawled at 6.5 months and walked at 9.5 months....and he's been on the go ever since! He has 7 teeth, weighs 24 lbs! His favorite toy is balls...thus a ball themed 1st birthday party! He also loves just getting into everything and destroying anything in his path. When the fridge door is open he makes a run for it to get in there and take what he can! He can say bye bye and he shakes his head no no...he waves bye bye and blows kisses he's just a happy happy lil man! I brought home his bday balloons and within 10 minutes he pulled one down to him bit it destroyed it and popped it...that's my Lil guy!
Monday, March 2, 2015
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
My Lil man is learning new tricks and getting into more and more mischief everyday!!! He's walking along side furniture now and standing alone for over 15 seconds!! He just got his Upper right lateral to peek through and is working on his left central!!! SO that will make 4 teeth! He's weighing over 20 lbs now...and he gives good slobber kisses! He has slept through the night 3/5 times so far.. hopefully after these teeth are through it will get better! He's just been a Lil ham when he is on a mission he means it whether it's getting to the fridge before we close the door or getting into the bathroom and eating toilet paper...if you stop him there is heck to pay! Right now beside the fridge and bathroom he loves to knock over my picture frames...and everything and anything he finds goes in his mouth...he keeps us busy!! As for libby she's counting the days down to be 8
..that was the first thing she said to me when I woke her up today...mom it's only 5 days until my birthday! We did her friends bday party last weekend and family party, we did them both at a hotel she had I think 17 girls there for friends...so needless to say we were busy! She got lots of gift cards so she's itching to spend them! I've been pretty proud of her lately she's really caught on to school she got all S and St for grades and she says she loves math..so that's been very nice! She's constantly singing and she asks me when she's 16 she wants to go on the voice! As for my Piper she is sassy and smart as ever! Preschool is going great she knows my phone number and where she lives. She's now been doing really well with no pull up at night....we are thinking she only wanted one and used it at night to be like Harv so we are focusing on her being a big girl and getting ready for kindergarten...it seems to be working!! Otherwise life has been crazy busy we are surviving and having a great time!
..that was the first thing she said to me when I woke her up today...mom it's only 5 days until my birthday! We did her friends bday party last weekend and family party, we did them both at a hotel she had I think 17 girls there for friends...so needless to say we were busy! She got lots of gift cards so she's itching to spend them! I've been pretty proud of her lately she's really caught on to school she got all S and St for grades and she says she loves math..so that's been very nice! She's constantly singing and she asks me when she's 16 she wants to go on the voice! As for my Piper she is sassy and smart as ever! Preschool is going great she knows my phone number and where she lives. She's now been doing really well with no pull up at night....we are thinking she only wanted one and used it at night to be like Harv so we are focusing on her being a big girl and getting ready for kindergarten...it seems to be working!! Otherwise life has been crazy busy we are surviving and having a great time!
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