My Baby isnt such a baby anymore!!! She'll be two on sunday she is soooooo excited she sings happy birthday to me at least 5 times a day! we let her open a couple presents early just cuz she said please mama please!!!! I made the cupcakes and her two cakes today they turned out pretty well,all sesame street of course!!! We had a busy day today I had a few girlfriends over this mornin with all their kids, we had a blast in all their were 6 little ones 4 and under so the house was full!!! They played great and it was great gettin to visit with the old gang again!! Then tomorrow were havin joshs side over and on sunday my side so a busy weekend!! But none the less the most important thing is Libs is gonna be two!! Holy smokes!!! She can count to 10 by twos! and to 5 the regular way! She is makin progress on potty trainin and her new found love is little mermaid and rella(cinderella)! She sings songs all day long in fact while I'm writin this shes singin a song!! She has such a fun light hearted but stubborn personality she is a girl who knows what she wants and when she wants to love u she will do it with everything shes got and when shes mad she will let you know you dont have to guess with her! SASSY SASSY!! Love her to death! Josh and I often find ourselves just watchin her and smilin because we cant believe how cute she is or how much she has grown! Bias I know but I am a proud mom!! Josh and I just said we dont know how we could love another kid as much as her! We might just have to stop at her! Dont mess with perfection! HAHAHA Only Kiddin-mom dont flip out!!
Our Kiddo's

Friday, January 30, 2009
Getting ready for Libs BIG Birthday Weekend!!!
My Baby isnt such a baby anymore!!! She'll be two on sunday she is soooooo excited she sings happy birthday to me at least 5 times a day! we let her open a couple presents early just cuz she said please mama please!!!! I made the cupcakes and her two cakes today they turned out pretty well,all sesame street of course!!! We had a busy day today I had a few girlfriends over this mornin with all their kids, we had a blast in all their were 6 little ones 4 and under so the house was full!!! They played great and it was great gettin to visit with the old gang again!! Then tomorrow were havin joshs side over and on sunday my side so a busy weekend!! But none the less the most important thing is Libs is gonna be two!! Holy smokes!!! She can count to 10 by twos! and to 5 the regular way! She is makin progress on potty trainin and her new found love is little mermaid and rella(cinderella)! She sings songs all day long in fact while I'm writin this shes singin a song!! She has such a fun light hearted but stubborn personality she is a girl who knows what she wants and when she wants to love u she will do it with everything shes got and when shes mad she will let you know you dont have to guess with her! SASSY SASSY!! Love her to death! Josh and I often find ourselves just watchin her and smilin because we cant believe how cute she is or how much she has grown! Bias I know but I am a proud mom!! Josh and I just said we dont know how we could love another kid as much as her! We might just have to stop at her! Dont mess with perfection! HAHAHA Only Kiddin-mom dont flip out!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The trip to Wyoming!!
So were home its been an adventure that is for sure!! To start the week off well Tuesday I got a call from daycare that Libs has a temp and throwin up so I left work early and I stayed home all day wed for her. She was getting better(so I thought) she last threw up at noon or so, and we were scheduled to leae to wyoming to see our family at 5:00 so I decided to take her! The ride out sh did pretty good she didnt get sick. We got to chris and jaras about 2:30am, thats when the night fun began she threw up again once we were ready for bed, she didnt sleep well at all she had a high fever and me and kim were put to the test!!! We woke up Thursday with Libs still havin a temp and not feeling the best, we hung out at the house which was great just low key and gettin to visit, we then decided to go to the park it was close to the 50's Super nice out I actually got to walk outside with no coat on and not be cold!!! We the decided to go meet Ike at his school and surprise him with eatin lunch wth him, lot of fun but holy cow how kids lunchs have changed crazier then I remembered If you were too slow they would just kick each other to get them movin!!! But all in all it was great Ike was happy and he has grown up soo much he took care of Zoey before he ate his own lunch he opened her milk her fruit snacks and slverware!! Just the way a brother should be!! After lunch we walked home and took naps, after this Libs got worse she had 103 temp and looked miserable so we took her to urgent care turns out she had double ear infection and her throat was raw! So she got an antibiotic, we were all hopin she would wake up the next mornin feelin better but we were wrong!! She slept maybe 2 hours wouldnt eat anything, so we gave her motrin and it seemed to help a little, we took an afternoon drive to Devils Tower got to see a lot of wildlife we showed libs the deer and she would say wow mom look at the rocks BIG rocks!! The next day went for a drive into the mountains seen a lot of wildlife and I went sledding with the fam Libs stayed in the truck she still wasnt a+ yet so she hung out in the truck and watched mermaid with Kim! We got home mid afternoon and Libs was feeling better we were able to throw her a birthday party and she was SOOO pumped! Jara bought her a birthday cake and she loved blowing out the candles so much we had to do it twice and we had to sing twice she was telling everyone it was her birthday! She opened up some great presents(thanks Soost's) she was soo happy!! We decided to drive home threw the night to make it easier on Libs she slept the whole way home, she even managed to talk in her sleep she said I wanna see the moose!(We did get to see a couple that day in the mountains) we got home about 6 am and Libs stayed sleeping until 10:45am and then after she played dress up for awile she took another 3 hour nap so I think we finally kicked this illness! Poor thing was a trooper but the trip was worth it! We had a blast gettin to see our fam again! This week there will be lotsof pics from our trip! Well next week too Im sure My little girl is gonna be two!!! She reminds me about 6 time a day her birthday is comin up!!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
LIBBY The Daredevil!!!!
Were home after a weekend at the pool!! I'm proud to say we did bring Libby home alive and well! She has absolutely NO fear of water or that she dont know how to swim! It took 4 of us to kinda keep her under control, she would just take off in a fast sprint and Lunge into the pool (the deep end of the pool) and laugh!! If u were in the pool waitin for her to jump to u she would pull out the basketball moves left right left BOLT!! All parents were laughing they would say man she just doesnt quit! Our whole group ended up havin to keep tabs on her! They had a really nice kiddy pool with a little slide a couple of water fountains Super nice, parents sat on the edge and talked. Well not us we had to run all over cuz she was cannon ballin into another spot and she didnt like the little slide very much just the big one that went into the deep water!!! Love her to death!!! You had to laugh cuz she ha no fear will try anything and is very strong willed you would hold ur hands out and tell her to jump but she would yell at you and tell u she will do it herself Okay!!! Other then chasing after her we had a blast, It was nice to get away she got to play with the other kids today she took a 41/2 hour nap she wore herself out!! The next big adventure for us will be on Wed we leave well Libby and me leave for Gillete Wyoming to see my brother sister and niece and nephew were really excited!!! Were gonna have a birthday party for her out there she already requested a cookie monster cake so I have all the stuff she is SOOO excited for her birthday!!! Another quick note she is doing really well with potty training she seems to be getting it more and more!(No more Diapers maybe eventually in the near future! I'll shoot for 3 more months!! Everyone have a great week and we will post pics of our trip out west when we get back!!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
We just got back from our snowmobilin trip to Garrison! We had a blast put over 100 miles on the weather was great and no one was injured!! As for Libs she got to stay at Kimmies and My mom and dads!!! She had a great time on the way home she said she wanted to see her daddy cuz she hasnt seen him ALL DAY!! She keeps amazin me everyday! As Im writing this shes watching Nemo and eating a Push up(her new found love) She has to have her own push up or lets just say its a major melt down! Its neat now to watch her be interested in Disney movies she gets the concept and doesnt care to much for the villians which Im startin to realize every disney movie has! Were getting excited for next weekend we are going to a hotel in rochester with a little water park Libs will have a blast!! I'll post pics of next weekend when we come back!!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
The Babysitters!!
Yesterday we got to babysit my little niece Ella! Libby loved it she pulled out tons of toys for her to play with! Every time Ella would cry she would go over to her and pat her on the lap and say its ok peanut its ok!! It was soo cute my little almost 2 yr old acts like shes going on 40!! All in all it was a great day and we got some cue pics that I thought we could share!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2009 is here!! Libs managed to stay up until 1:00am this mornin she made a great party hat at daycare earlier in the day with steamers out the top she was pretty proud of! She put it on today and told me it was her birthday today!! We took her sledding today and she loved it this was only her 2nd time going and she cant get enough she giggles the whole way down the hill and yells wee!! Its soo cute to see her walk in her snow pants and big puffy coat A little star fish!! Shes quite the little trooper!!Shes growin up more and more getting too smart for her own good! She now can switch her DVDs on her own and push play to start them! She loves to sing and dance! Her alphabet is coming along more and more I think santa claus is comin to town will be an all year round song at the bell house!! My little girl will be two in a month HOLY SMOKES!!! Time Flew! Hope everyones new year was great and we wish you a prosperous and healthy 2009!!
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