A lot has happened since I wrote last! First and foremost grandpa ed turned 91!! I was talking with grandma and she said that grandpa was under the impression he was gonna get a birthday party and when she told him not this year she said you coulda practically stepped on his lower lip he was soo bummed! He then asked grandma if I was goin to throw him a party so of course when she told me this I had to do somethin its not everyday you get to throw ur all to willing to have a party grandpa whos now 91 a party! So we all went over to their house dad supplied chicken and potatoes (one of gramps favorite meals) then I made him a cake in the shape of a hanger since we all know how much he loves hangers!! It turned out to be a great day grandpa had a good time he even requested that we sing him happy birthday soooo of course we did! Then dad and I took gramps for a drive since hes been couped up in the house for a couple of weeks with grandmas knee surgery and all he was kinda gettin antsy to get out and about! So we took him around walnut lake and I got to sit back and listen to dad and gramps go back and forth on who lived where and what used to be what. I got to see gramps and grams old farm place as well as our old place. I have to say it was probably one of my top ten days of my life so far... simple and probably sayin boy she needs to get out more but I tell ya bein able to listenin to the both of them and seein grandpa remember so much and learnin all that cool little stuff alot of people dont get the chance to do with their grandpa and dad is pretty darn cool! Other things I need to mention is grandma also had a birthday actually b4 gramps of course, kim and I brought lunch for her that day as well and we mopped her floors did dishs vacuumed laundry all the kind of stuff she cant do right now! She loved it! Shes doin ok with her knee she cant seem to get her pain under control a lot of the days, she says shes going to give up the at home health care in two weeks because grandpas gettin down bein stuck in the house( Deep down I think its gettin to Grandma too!) But she is makin progress shes just like everyother human being you want to be healed now!! Another cool thing thats happened since writing last is we have officially went public on expecting another baby!!! Libby is soo excited she says shes having a sister and she told the docter that at the ultrasound that the baby on the screen was her baby sister and she cant talk yet, and when josh tried to take the pics away from libs she screamed at him in the drs office and said thats my baby sister and you cant have her!! Were due April 7th I compared 12 week ultrasounds this baby is alot bigger then what libby was its about 1 and 1/2 cm bigger and the heartrate is 3 beats faster so we will see! Were not gonna find out if its a boy or girls soo April cant come soon enough!!! Other Updates we were sponsers for our nephew leo today everything went well he didnt even cry! Little updates on Libby shes gettin smarter sassier and sillier everyday! On the way over here to kimmys she says to me in the car mama lets play you be a butterfly and I'll be a Robot! Needless to say I didnt quite know how to be a butterfly in the car but she had fun! Her counting is doing well colors are great when she decides to cooperate with you and actually say them right(she knows them just half no 3/4 the time she doesnt want to tell you!) She was on a kick last week everytime you would ask her how old she is she'd tell you 26 no matter what and how many times you told her she would just say 26! Frustrating let me tell you, bacause deep down I'm thinkin shes goin to preschool next year and if she decides to be difficult at the screening the teachers are goin to think what crappy parents she has! So I hope the attitude or stubborness mellows just a bit!! Shes to smart for her own good she'll go and do somethin naughty and push you really close to ur breaking point then come up to you and give you a big hug and I love you sooo much ur not crabby right cuz I love you!(WHAT THE HECK shes ONLY 2(in the words of my dad) I know I gotta long road ahead of me! HAHA but I'm looking forward to every minute the next big thing to look forward to at our house now is halloween libs is soo excited shes going to be cinderella and she asks me almost everyday if today can be halloween! Shes like her ma when it comes to walkin in her heels tho she rolled her ankle twice the other day when she was practicing bein cinderella! But I 'll be sure to post pics then too! I need to stop babbling on now this will probably take the whole pg. but thats what I get for not updating weekly!
Our Kiddo's

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Grandpa turns 91/Updates on Libby
A lot has happened since I wrote last! First and foremost grandpa ed turned 91!! I was talking with grandma and she said that grandpa was under the impression he was gonna get a birthday party and when she told him not this year she said you coulda practically stepped on his lower lip he was soo bummed! He then asked grandma if I was goin to throw him a party so of course when she told me this I had to do somethin its not everyday you get to throw ur all to willing to have a party grandpa whos now 91 a party! So we all went over to their house dad supplied chicken and potatoes (one of gramps favorite meals) then I made him a cake in the shape of a hanger since we all know how much he loves hangers!! It turned out to be a great day grandpa had a good time he even requested that we sing him happy birthday soooo of course we did! Then dad and I took gramps for a drive since hes been couped up in the house for a couple of weeks with grandmas knee surgery and all he was kinda gettin antsy to get out and about! So we took him around walnut lake and I got to sit back and listen to dad and gramps go back and forth on who lived where and what used to be what. I got to see gramps and grams old farm place as well as our old place. I have to say it was probably one of my top ten days of my life so far... simple and probably sayin boy she needs to get out more but I tell ya bein able to listenin to the both of them and seein grandpa remember so much and learnin all that cool little stuff alot of people dont get the chance to do with their grandpa and dad is pretty darn cool! Other things I need to mention is grandma also had a birthday actually b4 gramps of course, kim and I brought lunch for her that day as well and we mopped her floors did dishs vacuumed laundry all the kind of stuff she cant do right now! She loved it! Shes doin ok with her knee she cant seem to get her pain under control a lot of the days, she says shes going to give up the at home health care in two weeks because grandpas gettin down bein stuck in the house( Deep down I think its gettin to Grandma too!) But she is makin progress shes just like everyother human being you want to be healed now!! Another cool thing thats happened since writing last is we have officially went public on expecting another baby!!! Libby is soo excited she says shes having a sister and she told the docter that at the ultrasound that the baby on the screen was her baby sister and she cant talk yet, and when josh tried to take the pics away from libs she screamed at him in the drs office and said thats my baby sister and you cant have her!! Were due April 7th I compared 12 week ultrasounds this baby is alot bigger then what libby was its about 1 and 1/2 cm bigger and the heartrate is 3 beats faster so we will see! Were not gonna find out if its a boy or girls soo April cant come soon enough!!! Other Updates we were sponsers for our nephew leo today everything went well he didnt even cry! Little updates on Libby shes gettin smarter sassier and sillier everyday! On the way over here to kimmys she says to me in the car mama lets play you be a butterfly and I'll be a Robot! Needless to say I didnt quite know how to be a butterfly in the car but she had fun! Her counting is doing well colors are great when she decides to cooperate with you and actually say them right(she knows them just half no 3/4 the time she doesnt want to tell you!) She was on a kick last week everytime you would ask her how old she is she'd tell you 26 no matter what and how many times you told her she would just say 26! Frustrating let me tell you, bacause deep down I'm thinkin shes goin to preschool next year and if she decides to be difficult at the screening the teachers are goin to think what crappy parents she has! So I hope the attitude or stubborness mellows just a bit!! Shes to smart for her own good she'll go and do somethin naughty and push you really close to ur breaking point then come up to you and give you a big hug and I love you sooo much ur not crabby right cuz I love you!(WHAT THE HECK shes ONLY 2(in the words of my dad) I know I gotta long road ahead of me! HAHA but I'm looking forward to every minute the next big thing to look forward to at our house now is halloween libs is soo excited shes going to be cinderella and she asks me almost everyday if today can be halloween! Shes like her ma when it comes to walkin in her heels tho she rolled her ankle twice the other day when she was practicing bein cinderella! But I 'll be sure to post pics then too! I need to stop babbling on now this will probably take the whole pg. but thats what I get for not updating weekly!
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