Our Kiddo's

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Pipers a week Old!!!
Time has flown by I cant believe its been a week since I had her! She has got to be one of the best babies a person could ask for,shes not fussy she sleeps IN her bassinet which completely rocks!!! Shes a clockwork baby eats every 3 hours up for 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening! Now that Im bragging her up things will probably change! We were able to get rid of the biliruben blanket yesterday which we were happy about it was getting a little old having ur baby attached to a cord then goin into the hospital and watch her get her heal pricked and cry and cry so were happy its done! Her one week check up she weighed 8lbs 5ozs her head is 14 and 1/2 inches big and shes 20 inches long! She recently acquired a new neice named aspen who is just 5 days younger so Im sure theyll be really close growing up! Libbys doin well also shes funny and sassy as ever lastnight she was eating some of her easter candy unwrapping those aluminum foil covered chocolate eggs and putting the wrappers on the floor josh told her she needed to pick them up and she looked at him and said its not my job its ur stinkin job daddy! (Needless to say Libby threw away her wrappers!) So at the end of the day weve been truly blessed with 2 beautiful little girls!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Piper makes 4!!
Well Josh Libby and I would like to announce the birth of Piper ann Bell born April 1st at 3:55 pm weighin in at 8lbs 9ozs and 20 and 3/4 inches long! Shes a beautiful little girl with a healthy appetite! We were scheduled to be induced at 6am but I was woke up at 1:30 with contractions(at this point and time I shouldve known that she was goin to be a girl,impatient,going to do things her way and not be told when to arrive...just like her sister!) So we waited around home until our scheduled time anyways and when I got to the hospital i was already dialated to a 3, unlike libby piper was here much quicker but I gotta say piper left her mark on the labor and recovery part im pretty sore and cant wait until I feel somewhat normal again! First night home was a little tough adaptinng and libby had a little streak of being really naughty,now shes changed her tune and is pretty much back to normal we just have a lot more of hey watch me and u wanna see a cool trick! which I will gladly take over the naughty stuff! Lastnight was nice it was one of those nights you wish you could push the pause repeat button on we all 4 went for a walk Libs drove her gator (which by the way i must say she has mastered she will be drivin monster trucks professionally by the time shes 18!) Piper slept the whole time and it was a beautiful night! So all in all everyone is good and healthy and we have to thank the big man upstairs daily for our blessings!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
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