Our Kiddo's

Monday, April 5, 2010
Piper makes 4!!
Well Josh Libby and I would like to announce the birth of Piper ann Bell born April 1st at 3:55 pm weighin in at 8lbs 9ozs and 20 and 3/4 inches long! Shes a beautiful little girl with a healthy appetite! We were scheduled to be induced at 6am but I was woke up at 1:30 with contractions(at this point and time I shouldve known that she was goin to be a girl,impatient,going to do things her way and not be told when to arrive...just like her sister!) So we waited around home until our scheduled time anyways and when I got to the hospital i was already dialated to a 3, unlike libby piper was here much quicker but I gotta say piper left her mark on the labor and recovery part im pretty sore and cant wait until I feel somewhat normal again! First night home was a little tough adaptinng and libby had a little streak of being really naughty,now shes changed her tune and is pretty much back to normal we just have a lot more of hey watch me and u wanna see a cool trick! which I will gladly take over the naughty stuff! Lastnight was nice it was one of those nights you wish you could push the pause repeat button on we all 4 went for a walk Libs drove her gator (which by the way i must say she has mastered she will be drivin monster trucks professionally by the time shes 18!) Piper slept the whole time and it was a beautiful night! So all in all everyone is good and healthy and we have to thank the big man upstairs daily for our blessings!
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