Well our little Piper the Viper had surgery this morning and had tubes put in! She was a happy happy camper before the surgery, flirting with the nurses and dr! Talking away and Loving her new little stuffed animal that was left for us from the hospital! She went to surgery about 8am and I didnt get to see her again until 9:10...long wait that I wasn't expecting to have! It was Super Cute to see her getting wheeled down the hall to the O R in this big bed, she looked like she was thinkin hmm. this is a SWEET stoller, she was looking around smiling at everyone and enjoying the ride! The surgery was a little more difficult than thought, she still had double ear infections that hadn't cleared up from a week ago! So the Dr had to work thru a lot of puss to get the tubes in, he said he's a little worried that the tubes are goin to get plugged because of how inflamed and full of puss they were that they were bleeding. The blood I guess can plug the tubes, so my fingers are crossed and I'm sending up a few extra prayers for Piper!! When Piper came out of surgery the nurse had given me a fair warning that she was TICKED off! So I got a bottle ready and the nurse was NOT lying ,I could hear Piper screaming this "i'm super ticked off and dont like any of these mean people anymore scream"!! She cried for awhile and drank a bottle and a half then fell asleep! She's been sleeping alot of the day, but managed to wake up enough to have lunch and give me a few smiles, I just can't be out of her site or she lets me know shes not happy and wants to be cuddled! Her Right ear is draining blood and some pus and the left is just pus so I'm hoping in the next couple of days her hearing comes back to 100% and that her pain goes away so she can know what she really is supposed to feel like and hear like!! On a Positive side note we managed to get our tree up(libby got to pick it out and thought it was pretty funny hauling a xmas tree home in my yukon!) We put all the xmas decorations up and lib's was on cloud nine! She helped put ornaments on the tree...lets just say it was HEAVILY decorated 4ft and lower for awhile! We put up our stockings and the next morning when Libby came downstairs she went over and checked her's and asked why her's was still empty! I have a feeling this is gonna be her best yet christmas!
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