Today and Yesterday the girls and I have not left the house! It's kind of nice having no plans and just putzing in the house(I'm officially old!) We have decided to not let this blizzard we're having right now put a damper on our fun today, so we decided to go all out and bake our christmas cookies! We've done choc. stars and mint choc. chip cookies,pretzels with the almond bark,carmel corn,marshmellow rice krispie bars, cutouts,and rolo cookies!! So needless to say the bells will be inquiring a few more calories this weekend! Libby's been helping and she's all about the taste testing and Piper hasn't minded the occasional cookie as well! Speaking of miss Piper the Viper she has officially become a crawler!!! On Wed. this week I went to turn on our laptop and to my surprise Piper was there to help me!! She started crawling all over the livingroom!! She's even starting to pull herself up, mostly to her knees but I have a feeling we have hit the fastlane for her growing up into a toddler before we know it stage! Miss Libby lynn is still as spunky as ever, she has now told me she wants to do kung foo instead of dance....(I'm secretly kinda liking this current idea!) We took her out for her 1st snowmobile ride of the season last weekend and she loved it when we were done he said ma that was cool and awesome! She just needs to work on her head control wih her helment on, once she has that mastered she's gonna be a pro!!
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