Our Kiddo's

Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Cnristmas Updates!
Hello all, a lot has happened since I last post on November 25th, with heavy hearts we have to announce we lost our Otis on November 27th, he died in our arms, he waited for us to get home and josh and pet him and loved him up until the very end, when we both were with him and started petting him, he suddenly calmed down and let himself go, very heartbreaking but we were so glad we were able to say goodbye! Since then good things have happened, Libby had her first school program, she got to ring jingle bells and I gotta say she put all her effort into it! Piper has been growing up soon fast she's talking like a little grownup, counting really well and knows her colors, and getting some letters! They both have been helping me bake, they love every minute of that and they really like to taste test! Piper just recently got to spend an afternoon with her great grandma Bessie and had a blast, she brought over her babies and played Dr. When I came with libs to pick her up told her we needed to go because I needed to run errands she looked up at me and said go then....she wanted to stay with her Bessie grandma(that's how she refers to her) Christmas day was yesterday and it was awesome!!! Since losing Otis we have been so lonely and Piper has been asking daily if we could take our truck and get him from heaven! So josh and I decided it would be great to surprise the girls with a new puppy! It just happened to work out that we found somebody selling bloodhounds and would meet us Mankato, we wanted a black and tan, and that exactly what they had, it felt meant to be! We picked Clara up on the 22nd and friends of ours watched her until Christmas eve night! We then wrapped her kennel and had the girls open her up first, libs jumped back and piper had to repick up the paper and say hey theres a dog in here! They absolutely love her, the only thing they prolly would change is if she didn't like their Christmas toys as much as they do! Today it's been ongoing chasing Clara and prying toys out of her mouth! So now as I write this Clara is napping and the girls are opening all their presents...taking out of the boxes so needless to say my house is a mess but that's ok, how often does this happen, I can clean tomorrow, and they can play away today, I truly feel blessed! It was a wonderful Christmas, I wish we could've spent it with my brother Chris's family as well but it just didn't work out this yr. I will try and post some pics later but I thought I should at least give an update! Merry Christmas all and happy new year!
Friday, November 16, 2012
My little ladies!! Since I posted last I was talking about Otis, well a good update he has turned around but he does need a painpill everyother day otherwise he gets really stiff! So I would say things are good. Libby got her 1st toe token from running at school yesterday! She was soo proud and couldnt wait to tell me until I got home that she called me from dads cell phone! Piper Ann is doin well still a little goofy girl and shes big on singing wheels on the bus, playing babies and causing trouble!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Took the girls to church today all by myself...this is the 3rd time i have done this, the two before today ended badly with the 2nd one being an epic fail with my piper running upto the alter while the pastors back is to us and preceding to scream and giggle when she seen me coming to get her and ran away from me to the back of the church....well today we ROCKED!!! We stayed the whole time and they even sat by themselves very nicely so i could go up and take communion!!! This momma is happy and proud of her girls!!!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Well I feel like I 1st should give an update about our Ottie! He has turned around after the antibiotics and pain meds have kicked in!! He's back to chasing Kitties and howling @ whatever he feels the need to!! He's about 95% back to where he was his balance is a little off but he his back and loving life and we couldnt be any happier!!! Halloween is fast approaching and we had a nice halloween party with friends and family we carved all the pumpkins in the pictures! Lib's is going as a witch and Piper cant make up her mind and she's either going to be cookie monster or cinderella! We had two family parties today and she went as one of each for each party! Libby has been staying busy with school and dance and birthday parties of all her class mates! She is learning so many things with her letters and numbers and starting to read already! As for Piper Ann she's still a busy busy two yr old! Her newest thing for me to do is sing wheels on the bus and Jingle Bells, anytime we are in the car she asks me to sing them, she absolutely loves to sing along with those!! She has been in a little spurt where she needs to talk to her uncle Casey everday and she comes up to me and says MoM I need to talk to Casey really bad mom! Her colors are pretty much there, she's counting to 5 with no problems, and she's up to playing dr. anytime!! I Love my lil ladies!! I also want to throw in a little side note...IM A AUNTIE AGAIN!!! Cole Jacob came into this world on Friday!! 8lbs 9 oz's and I cant wait to meet the little guy!!! Till next time, I hope you all have a great day,week or maybe month?!!! I will try to get on here again and post some Halloween Pic's !!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
I know its been awhile since i posted last...its been pretty busy here at the Bell house. Tonite is a mixed emotions day, Our 1st baby of the family Otis has been sick, it started last saturday where hes been very sluggish, disoriented, and just plain ole not feeling well. We took him to the vet today and she says she figures its cancer of his kidneys and liver, he does have a high temp so there is a chance he just has an infection and with the.antibiotics we put him on we should know the answer in a few days, we could have got blood drawn to have the for sure answer right away but with the exspense, otis's dislike of the vet and basically Josh and I not wanting to hear the news we decided to wait it out and hope!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Libby post 1st day of kindegarten! She didnt even make it to supper! She had a great day,lots of fun she said! She told me she had to help me with chores so I.could read her.a.book...so im guessing she told.her teacher I.dont read to her.because im.busy.with.chores! Gotta love a five.yr old's stories!
Libbys 1st day of kindegarten....holy smokes I cant believe my baby is all grown up!!! She did really well was super excited she told me when.she grows up shes gonna be a dr. a dentist or a dance teacher! I told her I didnt want her to grow up yet and she says mom I wanna hurry up and grow up to the fifth.grade! When told she looks grown up she asked if she looked six maybe even seven! Time flies sooo fast it seems like yesterday I took her to 3 yr old preschool! But shes excited and ready for this and Josh.and I couldnt be prouder!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Friday, August 10, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Sorry for the poor video quality..for some reason the only way I can send videos is with this setting! Anyways I just figured the easiest way to show how my baby has grown is to post a little video! She cracks me I up daily..she loves playin babies..helping dad fix things..she has to be in the middle of everything ur doin so she can get a good look at it herself....and as I wrote this she went ahead and squirted detangler in her mouth and then proceeded to tell me it is ocky! She told me a couple weeks ago that lucys catfood was ocky and I asked why did u try it and she replied yes! She keeps us on our toes! As for libs shes so ready for school to start! I brought home some of her school supplies and she was like a kid at christmas yellin and screaming with excitement over a folder and glue sticks! Shes also getting to be quite the little fish.she.has mastered the back float..and she
also tells me she can swim like those water.bugs you see in the.pool! Time sure does fly!
also tells me she can swim like those water.bugs you see in the.pool! Time sure does fly!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Sorry for the poor video quality..for some reason the only way I can send videos is with this setting! Anyways I just figured the easiest way to show how my baby has grown is to post a little video! She cracks me I up daily..she loves playin babies..helping dad fix things..she has to be in the middle of everything ur doin so she can get a good look at it herself....and as I wrote this she went ahead and squirted detangler in her mouth and then proceeded to tell me it is ocky! She told me a couple weeks ago that lucys catfood was ocky and I asked why did u try it and she replied yes! She keeps us on our toes! As for libs shes so ready for school to start! I brought home some of her school supplies and she was like a kid at christmas yellin and screaming with excitement over a folder and glue sticks! Shes also getting to be quite the little fish.she.has mastered the back float..and she
also tells me she can swim like those water.bugs you see in the.pool! Time sure does fly!
also tells me she can swim like those water.bugs you see in the.pool! Time sure does fly!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Piper Ann ready for Bed!
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Saturday, July 7, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
Grandpa was crappie crazy!
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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
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Sunday, July 1, 2012
Here Piper Ann is givin grandpa ed a bite of her smore!
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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
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Cousins havin a sleep over!
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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
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Monday, June 4, 2012
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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is required.
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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Hangin out on a friday morning! I love these days!! Girls wake up and come lay in my bed and watch sesame street and curious george! After an hour of that we make our way downstairs and make up some breakfast! This morning we made omeletes, girls ate like crazy! Now its just some veggin out time before the schedule of the day pulls us away from the simple life! We had a great memorial wknd. We went to garrison MN and had campfires, went on walks, skipped rocks, fished and had really good food! So i would say it was a nice relaxing wknd! Libs even got to have her fourwheeler up there and she thought that was pretty sweet, she rode whenever she had the chance! Shes getting to be quite the rider standing up doin cookies findin jumps..we have to remind her to be safe! Piper likes goin for rides and libs knows to take it easy with sissy on and does really well, there is nothin cuter than
watching my 5 and 2 yr old with their helmets on ridin the fourwheeler!
watching my 5 and 2 yr old with their helmets on ridin the fourwheeler!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Lil miss! Heres another one of her 2 yr pictures! I think Ryan did a great job!
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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
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Friday, May 18, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Well its surgery number two for my lil monster! She's been a trooper! She started to catch on somethin was about to go on when these guys started to come in and talk to mama...so they gave her some medicine to relax with. She giggled a little bit and kept dropping her teddy bear on the ground and saying in a high pitch voice for the bear...help me help me..after about five minutes of that she got sleepy. She still cried for mama when they wheeled her off. So here i sit waiting for her to come back to the room! On the way in i told her we were going to fix her ears she says no mama my eara no hurt..we go bye bye! Too smart for her own good!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Future Allstar!
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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
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