It's been ahwile since I've been able to Post, so I figured I better give some updates! The biggest news Is we now have a walker!! Piper started walking Feb 27th and has been on the move ever since!! She loves to climb on or up things, harder to keep track of her!! She now has nine teeth including a molar!! She loves to unload the dishwasher with me and when we're all done she tries to climb in it! She gives high fives now and is starting to point at things she wants! It's hard to believe she's going to be one in just a couple of weeks! Libby is loving Preschool still and learning more and more she's does awesome at coloring and she even made me a picture the other day and told me she knew how to spell my name..so she wrote MOM on it! Needless to say I was Pretty Proud!! We are all itching to get outside and enjoy some sun, We've managed to get out and swing a couple times, and Josh even got her gator out the other day for her to drive around! Other than life going by too fast we are keeping busy and managing to have some fun too!
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