Our Kiddo's

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Libby Dream Weekend!
This weekend has been so busy already and its not even saturday night yet! We decided to make this a special weekend for libs and start it out friday by goin to princess and the frog movie she was soo excited she kept sayin during the previews princess and the frog is coming up really soon! It was a super cute movie and libs loved it all the way down to the popcorn and chocolate! After the movie we decided to grab supper on the go and look at christmas lights around town she kept sayin look at those hey they are pretty cool! I think the highlight of the lights was seen an inflatable grinch she is obsessed with that movie and loves loves the grinch! Then for saturday morning we took her to disney princess on ice...to say she absolutely loved it would be an under statement! she was all smiles clapping all the time waving at the princess and yelling out everyone of the characters names! she had to wear a princess outfit to the event so she picked her snow white dress it was soo cute just watching her be in total awe of everything that I think josh and I had as much fun as she did! She crashed on the way home and when she woke up Josh took her snowmobiling, she had so much fun I think it made her daddy proud she loved it so much! he tried to bring her in to warm up but she wasnt havent it so they went out for some more! So to say the least shes a very happy camper this weekend! As for baby development news i had my appt yesterday and everything is goin well im measuring at 24weeks so im a little ahead but im not gettin my hopes up! the heartbeat was 149 to 151 and the baby is kicking and moving like crazy! were gettin excited! Till next time have a good week!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
tis the season!
well today we decided to finish up our christmas decorating and get our christmas tree! Libs was pumped she helped pick it out and thought it was pretty cool! So after supper we decided to decorate! Can i say patience tester! We first did the lights which libs was all tooo helpful and retangling and clumping the strands after we straightened them out! Then while we were putting the lights up she was soo kind to provide strobe lighting on off on off on off! We were finally ready for ornaments and libs decided she wanted to hang them all by herself which ended up with rudolph being 3 legs short of a full set and about 6 candy cane ornaments short of their strings to hang them! Aaah but the memories and christmas spirit right! In the end we did get a good result and a happy proud 2yr old! Merry christmas!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Well hello everyone! Its been awhile since ive wrote and i got a lot to update this whole blog stuff would be easier if my computer was up and running and i wasnt doin it all from my phone but here we go anyways! Libs is growing up fast already on the learning end she tells you when her birthday is her parents names she counts to 10 no problems colors are great and she tells you she lives in minnesota! she tells me everyday on the way to daycare when we see a school bus that shes gonna ride one next year when shes 3 and she gets to go to preschool and i cant go cuz im too big! The sad thing is shes right! It seems like yesterday i brought her home from the hospital b4 you know it im gonna be 40 and shes going to be graduating highschool! but b4 I get all extreme I think i will just share some of 2yr old stories for now! Like yesterday she told josh he hurt her heart when he told her santa wasnt going to bring her presents if she was naughty! Or the other day i was coughing really hard and she yells to me ma you ok do you need any help? See i told you my baby is grown up! But speaking of my baby our pregnancy is goin well were officially halfway done today! We go for our ultrasound on friday and im pretty excited! Josh is keeping his diabetes under contol and having no issues work is really busy for the both of us so I can truly say were blessed! Im gonna try to post a few pics off my phone but we will see how it goes! Libs was cinderella for halloween and loved every minute of it! she kept telling me its her favorite and she wants to do it again! Im gonna try to post pics from my phone but we will see how its goes! Till next time!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Grandpa turns 91/Updates on Libby
A lot has happened since I wrote last! First and foremost grandpa ed turned 91!! I was talking with grandma and she said that grandpa was under the impression he was gonna get a birthday party and when she told him not this year she said you coulda practically stepped on his lower lip he was soo bummed! He then asked grandma if I was goin to throw him a party so of course when she told me this I had to do somethin its not everyday you get to throw ur all to willing to have a party grandpa whos now 91 a party! So we all went over to their house dad supplied chicken and potatoes (one of gramps favorite meals) then I made him a cake in the shape of a hanger since we all know how much he loves hangers!! It turned out to be a great day grandpa had a good time he even requested that we sing him happy birthday soooo of course we did! Then dad and I took gramps for a drive since hes been couped up in the house for a couple of weeks with grandmas knee surgery and all he was kinda gettin antsy to get out and about! So we took him around walnut lake and I got to sit back and listen to dad and gramps go back and forth on who lived where and what used to be what. I got to see gramps and grams old farm place as well as our old place. I have to say it was probably one of my top ten days of my life so far... simple and probably sayin boy she needs to get out more but I tell ya bein able to listenin to the both of them and seein grandpa remember so much and learnin all that cool little stuff alot of people dont get the chance to do with their grandpa and dad is pretty darn cool! Other things I need to mention is grandma also had a birthday actually b4 gramps of course, kim and I brought lunch for her that day as well and we mopped her floors did dishs vacuumed laundry all the kind of stuff she cant do right now! She loved it! Shes doin ok with her knee she cant seem to get her pain under control a lot of the days, she says shes going to give up the at home health care in two weeks because grandpas gettin down bein stuck in the house( Deep down I think its gettin to Grandma too!) But she is makin progress shes just like everyother human being you want to be healed now!! Another cool thing thats happened since writing last is we have officially went public on expecting another baby!!! Libby is soo excited she says shes having a sister and she told the docter that at the ultrasound that the baby on the screen was her baby sister and she cant talk yet, and when josh tried to take the pics away from libs she screamed at him in the drs office and said thats my baby sister and you cant have her!! Were due April 7th I compared 12 week ultrasounds this baby is alot bigger then what libby was its about 1 and 1/2 cm bigger and the heartrate is 3 beats faster so we will see! Were not gonna find out if its a boy or girls soo April cant come soon enough!!! Other Updates we were sponsers for our nephew leo today everything went well he didnt even cry! Little updates on Libby shes gettin smarter sassier and sillier everyday! On the way over here to kimmys she says to me in the car mama lets play you be a butterfly and I'll be a Robot! Needless to say I didnt quite know how to be a butterfly in the car but she had fun! Her counting is doing well colors are great when she decides to cooperate with you and actually say them right(she knows them just half no 3/4 the time she doesnt want to tell you!) She was on a kick last week everytime you would ask her how old she is she'd tell you 26 no matter what and how many times you told her she would just say 26! Frustrating let me tell you, bacause deep down I'm thinkin shes goin to preschool next year and if she decides to be difficult at the screening the teachers are goin to think what crappy parents she has! So I hope the attitude or stubborness mellows just a bit!! Shes to smart for her own good she'll go and do somethin naughty and push you really close to ur breaking point then come up to you and give you a big hug and I love you sooo much ur not crabby right cuz I love you!(WHAT THE HECK shes ONLY 2(in the words of my dad) I know I gotta long road ahead of me! HAHA but I'm looking forward to every minute the next big thing to look forward to at our house now is halloween libs is soo excited shes going to be cinderella and she asks me almost everyday if today can be halloween! Shes like her ma when it comes to walkin in her heels tho she rolled her ankle twice the other day when she was practicing bein cinderella! But I 'll be sure to post pics then too! I need to stop babbling on now this will probably take the whole pg. but thats what I get for not updating weekly!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Updates I Guess!
Well its been awhile since I wrote anything so I decided to use the parents internet since mine is absent at the moment! Libby's busy as ever and learnin new things all the time! Were currently obsessed with memory I'm constantly hearing u wanna play with me mama u wanna play! How can you say no to that question even though youve played 12 times already! Shes just now startin to take an interest in writin her name so we'll see my goal is by her third birthday to officially be able to write her name on her own! Shes constantly making up songs and singin all day long like where are we goin to the walmart or where r we goin to grandmas house(thanks to dora on that one!) We meaning Libby and I both have head colds this weekend not fun! I took Libby into the dr and found out of course guess what Libby has an ear infection! One of her tubes has fallen out and we gotta go in to see if we want them in again im guessin no since we average 1 a month! Well kids are screaming my ma is yellin at us to eat so I better bale!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Cannin Crazy/Libby Updates!!!!
Tis the season for harvesting the fruit and veggies! I have been cannin anything and everything lately! I've even drug Kim and Grandma Bessie into it this year! So far Ive done dill pickles spicy pickles peppers apple pie filling raspberry sauce raspberry jam, and peaches!! Yummy stuff thats for sure but its a lot of work!!! Libby loves comin out to the garden with me and pickin all the veggies I must say she has gotten quite an eye for pickin things that need to be picked versus the start of the garden season where she was pickin anything that looked like an extra add on the plant regardless to how green it is!! Now she knows what tomatoes get picked and shes really good at spotting the cukes that ma missed!!! Other then gardenin just reg daily stuff is keepin us busy we went up to garrison again last weekend one of libs most favorite thing to do, in fact she cried part of the way home saying she wanted to stay at the cabin! She is now the one whos in charge of bait shes the girl with no fear she reaches in the leachs and pulls one out for ya and if you try to get one ur self all hell brakes loose! The worms are no problems either she even brakes ya off a piece when needed!! Other then that shes singing more and more and just random stuff she'll go for five minutes just singin peoples names! We have 4 baby kitties at home and bless their hearts their so far been able to endure Libby!! I went out of the barn and left libby in their to pet the kitties while I fed otis and when I left all the cats were dry but when I came back 2 of the four were soakin wet! I asked Libby what she did and while libby was picking up one of dry kitty's she said to me they need a bath their dirty and thats exactly what she did she chucked the little kitten right into the water dish! Bad day for 3 kitty's and a strike of maybe good luck for 1 kitty who was able to stay dry!! Josh has officially started on the upstairs remodel! Here we go again and how long is my house gonna be a mess YUCK!! I'm glad I'm noting here so I can show Josh the actual start date!! HAHA Ive got proof now! My hopeful goal is he can have it done by spring! We'll see! Till Next time!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Potty Trained!!!!!!
Well the title says it all my little libby isnt so little anymore she has been potty trained now for about 4 days and doin GREAT!!! I'm sooo Proud of her!! Just yesterday she was upstairs and I was down doin Laundry when I heard her start yelling so I looked up the steps to find her with her little tinker bell purse (curtasy of Kim) over her shoulder and lookin at me with stern eyes and says hurry up were late, im gonna leave with out you if you dont hurry I asked where we were goin and she said walmart! She then continues to say u better hurry im late im late for work I'm gonna leave bye I'm goin to my new vehicle!!!"Yup mama i am without you if you dont hurry"!! So I laughed and realized that is exactly what I sound like in the mornin when I'm trying to lite her fire in the mornin just exclude the walmart and the new car and you got my daily routine! I think I might have to try somethin else from now on shes too smart!!! She's really into helping me with the garden right now and picking all the different things! Other then her being Potty trained its all the same I'm learnin what I sound like and do thru libby some good some bad and yes I'm proud to say she does have a little of my wierd too! Take care and till I write again!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
This and That!
We Have Been super busy lately so sorry for all the sporadic postings!! We took Libs to the pool the other day and got some great pics so I had to share them!! Sports illustrated watch out!!! She has been growin up so fast lately shes infatuated with walmart everyday she asks if were goin to walmart and if the answer is no she ask if we can, and if someone leaves our house she asks if their going to walmart! I dont get it the kid loves walmart!! She also has been havin a blast in the pool no fear remains in tact she wants to jump in everywhere and if it was up to her we would go swimmin everyday! She's gettin better and better with colors and counting! Were havin more and more fun listenin to her little stories she tells just yesterday she told me that sharks are nice and then asks me wanna go swimmin???? I'm gonna post a lot of pics this time around so I hope ya enjoy some are of swimmin some are of up north and some are at my parents house with sids litter of pups!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
So our summer is flying by us but were tryin to get some fun in the sun so were headed upto garrison hoping for some beach time fishing and in libs words dad dont forget the tube! She has been pumped ever since i told her we were goin shes talked about tubing and whos drivin the boat grandpa or dad and that shes gonna catch a big fish! so were on our way right now as i write this! Funny little story bout libs: yesterday i was doin laundry and i looked over and seen libs strangling our house kitty lucy i told her no and she says to me but mom i want to choke her! so my first question is where did she learn what chokin is but i think i might of found the answer dad had a tape of the ufc fights and i watched most of it while she was napping but the last fight she got to see and she asked me why are they fightin are they naughty boys! 2nd ? to libbys answer why does she WANT to choke the cat! oh well i guess poor lucy! some sad news so far our 2nd child otis has ran away hes been gone 4 a full 24 hours now i really hope to find him soon ill keep ya all posted and i promise to post some pics soon too!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Pretty Sure it's the next best thing to heaven!!!
So were home now!BLAH!!!! I had an absoultely fun time up north! We fished swam tubed kneeboarded tubed turtle raced gambled and everything in between! Weather was great! The onle thing else I could've asked for is to stay longer but we made work commitments and came home early! On our way home lastnight Lib slept over half of the way home when she woke up she asked where we goin I said home and she said she didnt want to go home she wanted to go back to the cabin!(ME TOOO)!! Yesterday was a big day We did the whole turtle race thing Libs got 1st place wohooo!! But weird thing my kid the kid who has no fear made sure she touched all the fish we caught and caught minnows jumped in the lake went faster and faster on the tube, didnt really take a liken to the whole turtle thing! We went up to the inner racin circle picked out our turtle and the minute I grabbed it Libby screamed and ran a way from me I tried to tell her it was ok but she wasnt havin it, there was only one problem to this situation I needed the number off her button that was attached to her shirt and she wouldnt let me near her with the turtle so she was runnin away from me with 250 plus people watchin this little scene! Kristi came in for back up and we did get the number off her finally and our Little turtle managed to be speedy enough to Win!!! Lastnight when we got home and unpacked me and Libs were talkin about bed time I told her she had to sleep in her own room tonight in her own big girl bed and she says to me I wanna sleep in your bed I told her no and she put her hands on her hips and says mama u need to share!!! What do ya say this logic u teach ur kids to share their toys but some how u have to reason the stipulations! In the end she did lay with us in our bed for a few minutes and did sleep in her bed it turned out to be a good compromise!!! But now were home life goes on Libby stayed with ed and bessie for the day today they had a blast playin and goin to Mc Donalds Libby told grandma she was so mad at her and when grandma asked why she said because her mama was at work!! Oh well it all ended well and everyone was happy I'm home now finded myself day dreamin back to the lake So So Pretty up there!!!(Ps if u look close at the photo's ull see one where libs face looks kind of swollen she was bit by a wasp!)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Vacation Vacation!
Were up in longville havin a blast we have swam tubed kneeboarded fished ate ice cream and soaked up some sun sounds like a pretty good vacation to me! I think libs is made for this type of vacation she LOVES to tube shes yelling faster faster and wohoo while her cousins are grittin there teeth and sayin slow down! tommorrow were turtle racin and headin for home time has went fast and weve had fun!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
No Pain No Gain!!
So this week for me well the last part of the week has been kind of painful! I went in for a simple quick procedure and left with half my guts!(ok not really but that's what I feel like!) Dr Thorn cleaned out my ovaries, removed cyst, endometriosis, and then happen to notice my appendix was ready to burst! So u guessed it OUTA here! So now my body is missin adnoids, tonsils, appendix, and a little bone in the ankle area! I think my Goal now for a lifetime is to be able to keep the rest of my body whole no more parts to science!!! I'm healin up fine doin more than I should but I'm a person who has to be doin somethin! Other highlights in the week the soost kids and Libs entered in the kiddie parade the theme was patriotic and Kristi and ma whipped up some pretty cute costumes and the kids won!!!! So last night they got to be in the parade it was pretty cute and you could see how proud they were!!! Libs has been really good to me while I've been healin she's infatuated with my ouches as she would call them she always wants to see them ! The other day we were up layin in my bed and she looked at my and said mama you want a snack I'll get one, one piece ok so I said sure so she crawled off my bed and went downstairs to the pantry she was gone about 5 min then she came back up and she said one piece mama and handed me the one saltine cracker she had brought up! It was so cute I wanted to laugh so bad but man it hurts to laugh she's soooo cute!!! Yesterday Josh hooked up her sprinkler and got the pool ready and she had a blast josh even made a couple run throughs! So enough about us this week I got a lot of cute pics I want to show so I'll get to doin that!!!! Take care everyone!!!
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