Finally home!!! I decided I was gonna be "brave" today and take Libby in and get her 2yr old pics!! YIKES!!! I waited until the last minute to get her ready or so I thought in the extra twenty minutes we had left over she decided to roll around on the floor rub her head with her hands to mess up her hair and decide to put her laundry basket over her head as well!! So I had to fix her up again!! We got to Walmart her appt was at 10 and we got there at 9:50 and the studio was dark so we waited, Libby ran around walmart for all of you who have kids and know Libby you know exactly how much fun it is to wait around a huge store and try to keep them from getting dirty and maintainin that "picture perfect" soooo far from the truth look that we all make our kids have at picuture time!! Well we waited and waited and waited the Lady finally showed up at 10 after and then needed to turn everything on! So by this point Libby was shaking those 10 foot tall photo signs and running all over hell! I think she knew that I wasnt going to make a scene and ran with it!! I was about to scream but managed to keep my cool! So we finally get goin and the lady thinks the best picture's will be on the floor.... me not so much I'm thinkin put her high up on a table so she has no where to go!! Needless to say I was right we did get a couple before she decided to bolt!! So then she brought the table in we got a few good ones things were goin well until the lady decided to move the motorized screen without ny warning and scared Libby, which resulted in a five minute reasoning with Libby that it was just a wall and not goin to get her so the compromise is me hiding under the table between the SCARY wall and Libby!!! We got a few more really good pictures and called it quits! So time to order pics I thought this was gonna be the easy part but I was wrong when it takes 40 minutes and ur kid already wants to leave, I pulled out all the snacks I had in my purse to tye her over that took 15 of the 40! I finally gave up on bein the good mom and keeping her kid under control and let her run wild....yup I did and I didnt care!!!!! When I was done I found her in the photo room sittin on the floor and totally destroyin there make shift easter basket prop!! I thought serves them right for makin me go through hell! So I put the tore up barely reconisable easter basket back on the shelf and left!!! Were now home and Libby is sleepin! Part of me really wants to sit back enjoy this quiet time and reward myself with a beer for not having a kid with shaken child syndrome!!!!! Besides this lovely day were all doin well, Libby's got more energy then I knew ever was possible! She's still infatuated with Lady bugs needs to see them yell eeeeew and wont go near them!! Shes excited for easter! And maybe even more so for Casey's birthday! She LOVES birthdays she thinks there the best thing ever the other day I caught her singing happy birthday to her play doh!! Till next time everyone stay safe and happy easter!!!
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