We've had a busy weekend this time around! It started out Friday we took Libs to the Zoo! We had a great time I think her favorite part was being able to run wild and see all the other kids! She did enjoy the monkeys and all the fish, when we were looking into the aquarium Libby would yell NEMO where are you??? It was pretty cute! She got to see bears,leopards, fish , monkeys and tons of cool birds! We had a good day! Saturday we had friends over and played cards it was a lot of fun just low key! Josh and I decided to make my dad a cake for his 54th Birthday and with the help of kim and aaron we all decided a "grill cake" would be the best! So Josh and I went to work Josh made a cool stand for the cake to start it out and Libby and I baked the cake, we then got all the candies shaped and formed into hotdogs burgers and hamburgers all out of starburst and tootsierolls! It turned out really well! Happy Birthday Paps!!! Libby this week her kick is saying her name my name is Libby Bell you try to get hr to add Lynn and it doesnt happen! The biggest accomplishment this week that I'm super proud of her is she goes to sleep all on her own!!! We lay her in her bed say a prayer and she goes to bed!!! SO SO Nice! She's getting to be such a big girl! So way to go Libs!! Everyone have a great week!!!
Our Kiddo's

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Busy Weekend!
We've had a busy weekend this time around! It started out Friday we took Libs to the Zoo! We had a great time I think her favorite part was being able to run wild and see all the other kids! She did enjoy the monkeys and all the fish, when we were looking into the aquarium Libby would yell NEMO where are you??? It was pretty cute! She got to see bears,leopards, fish , monkeys and tons of cool birds! We had a good day! Saturday we had friends over and played cards it was a lot of fun just low key! Josh and I decided to make my dad a cake for his 54th Birthday and with the help of kim and aaron we all decided a "grill cake" would be the best! So Josh and I went to work Josh made a cool stand for the cake to start it out and Libby and I baked the cake, we then got all the candies shaped and formed into hotdogs burgers and hamburgers all out of starburst and tootsierolls! It turned out really well! Happy Birthday Paps!!! Libby this week her kick is saying her name my name is Libby Bell you try to get hr to add Lynn and it doesnt happen! The biggest accomplishment this week that I'm super proud of her is she goes to sleep all on her own!!! We lay her in her bed say a prayer and she goes to bed!!! SO SO Nice! She's getting to be such a big girl! So way to go Libs!! Everyone have a great week!!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentines at the bell house has been busy!! Libby got to stay overnight at both granparents houses this weekend! She had a great time! Josh and I got to go out to Freeborn with a bunch of my old highschool buddies and some friends from work! We had a great time I've realized the best friends are the ones you dont have to work on keeping! We can not see each other for 6mos to a year and we get together and its like weve been talking forever! Love those girls and Nick to death! Then Friday night Joshs parents wanted Date night with all the grandbabies! So for a second night we were on our own! Weird feeling we went to my work so Josh could fix a few things and I could get caught up on paper work! Fun stuff I know but it was nice! We then decided to get take out rent a couple movies and thats what we did we stayed up till 1 am watchin movies! We Picked Libs up early sunday mornin and watched Madagasgar 2 with her and have been hearin Libs sing I LIke to Move it Move it ever since!! We had a birthday party this aftrenoon for Garret and now were home! Wohoo! We get to veg the rest of the day!! Libs has been talkin more and more and more!! When Josh picks on her she says dad dont say that dad dont say that! She sings wheels on the bus alot and loves to play playdoh! Her babies are starting to get played with more and more she tells me baby is thirsty then needs a nap! She had her 2 yr check last friday and all is well! She is in the 80 percentile and she sat still enough for the nurse to take her blood pressure! She is still got the sassy side and Im startin to think it wont leave that spunk is what makes her who she is! Were trying to get a handle on hitting now so if she hits at home we have her sit on the steps to get her out of the situation which she does really well with she goes there and doesnt wine or move she just waits! But now Im kinda thinkin that whole concept doesnt work cuz today she was upset with me wound up wacked me looked at me and said Im gonna go sit on the stairs! So I kinda think she thinks If all I have to do is sit on the steps and I still get to hit the what the heck!!! So we will see! Her next new thing is body art which you will see just a small version of what shes done! She loves to color everything especially herself!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Poor Libs is sick again!!
So I thought we were good on the whole bein sick thing at least for the month! I was wrong I went upstairs to get libby, she had just woke up and she said she was ready to come downstairs! So we got her blankets and she started gagging, then she threw up a little bit but she was happy! So I thought maybe just a fluke so we got her ready she was smiley and happy, got in the durango and she puked again! Got to daycare Laura said we will try it since I was working in Albert Lea! Well I worked 1 hour and got the dredded call! She puked twice! FUN FUN Stuff! We went to the dr got a strep test done came back negative! So we are now home she puked once in the durango and 3 tmes at the drs! now once at home! We are havin a great day!!! She is sleeping now so hopefully she can kick this! Poor thing tells me she dont like the bucket so when I try to catch it she pushes it away, pretty frustrating! So were coping! other then that new achievements for Libs for the week is she Flexs her muscles and its not just the arms she clenches up its her whole body and she does it until her face is red! Pretty cute!! Her new sayings for the week is Ya Sure and I cant! Well time to take care of the little one have a great week!
Monday, February 2, 2009
She is offiially 2!!!
The BUSY weekend is over, I think its been a long time since I've been happy the weekend is over! Dont get me wrong the parties were a lot of fun, and I wouldnt of traded it for the world!!! Libby was soooo stoked that it was her birthday! Friday started off by having friends over, Saturday we had Joshs family over! I made her two cakes and cupcakes, she got some really cute clothes, a payloader, shoes, a suitcase, savings bonds! Needless to say she got great gifts and she loved it! She played so hard she slept until 9:30 sunday! When I went to go get her from her big girl bed!(we changed it over on saturday and it is goin well!!) She advised me she didnt need any help down the stairs because she was a big girl! Josh had made a special breakfast french toast, and bacon!! We then decided to go out sledding had a blast and decided that wasnt enough so Josh built her a fort(thats where we are in the pictures!!) She thought that was pretty neat!! We then came inside had some lunch and Libby took a 3 hour nap! By that time it was time for her 2nd birthday bash with my family! She got clothes, a tent, cheeseballs(one of her favorites) a princess chair, plate, elmo toys, tigger, a princess sleeping bag! and he list goes on and on and on! She had an absolutly wonderful birthday!! We have heard happy birthday to me sung about 100 times(it never gets old still as cute as the 1st time I heard it! Our little girl is officially a toddler! Yikes let the temper soar(she already has!!!) But I think were ready for it we can really see now when shes trying to ag us on or try to see how much she can get away with so we have to hold strong or I think she will walk all over us! She already has us wrapped around her finger! Who can resist pleeeeease mama pleaaaaaaase!! We want to thank everyone for the great gifts, and birthday wishes! You all truly made her birthday special! It means alot to us to know that everyone loves her just as much as us!! Of course its easy to love somethin that cute and bubbly!!! Have a great week and enjoy the pics!!!
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