Its been a busy busy weekend here at the bell house!! Were all super tired and ready for a weekend of relaxation! Guess were gonna have to wait awhile for that!! I decided to redo Libs room and we finished the whole thing alot of work but the overall outcome made it worth while! We painted her walls yellow and painted her ceiling blue with white clouds! Then I drew her name on some plywood and Josh cut it out and some stars and painted them a pink! We finished the room off with some new curtains that are pink and white to kind of ty in the whole pink thing!! Libby lives it but it was a ton of work!! I'd say the worst part of it all was lettin Libby sleep with us lastnight since her room was fumed out with paint fumes!! I dont think I slept a consecutive hour without bein kicked poked slapped or pushed oh the fun for those parents who let there kids sleep with them nightly I DONT GET IT!!!! Friday was Dugans birthday I cant believe he is 6 he's grown up sooo much!!! I got to make his birthday cake he requested Wario from Mario Bros I think it turned out alright and Dugan seemed to like it soo thats all that matters!! As for Libs her new thing is MARCH MARCH everybody MARCH MARCH!! Must be somethin new at daycare!!! She's more and more obsessed with Cinderella she watches that any chance she gets! Were now gonna get ready for the week! Hope everyone is well!
Our Kiddo's

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Dugans Birthday/Libs new room!!!
Its been a busy busy weekend here at the bell house!! Were all super tired and ready for a weekend of relaxation! Guess were gonna have to wait awhile for that!! I decided to redo Libs room and we finished the whole thing alot of work but the overall outcome made it worth while! We painted her walls yellow and painted her ceiling blue with white clouds! Then I drew her name on some plywood and Josh cut it out and some stars and painted them a pink! We finished the room off with some new curtains that are pink and white to kind of ty in the whole pink thing!! Libby lives it but it was a ton of work!! I'd say the worst part of it all was lettin Libby sleep with us lastnight since her room was fumed out with paint fumes!! I dont think I slept a consecutive hour without bein kicked poked slapped or pushed oh the fun for those parents who let there kids sleep with them nightly I DONT GET IT!!!! Friday was Dugans birthday I cant believe he is 6 he's grown up sooo much!!! I got to make his birthday cake he requested Wario from Mario Bros I think it turned out alright and Dugan seemed to like it soo thats all that matters!! As for Libs her new thing is MARCH MARCH everybody MARCH MARCH!! Must be somethin new at daycare!!! She's more and more obsessed with Cinderella she watches that any chance she gets! Were now gonna get ready for the week! Hope everyone is well!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
NONEventful/Eventful Week!
We started the week off with it being low key and non eventful,kind of nice! Its soo fun having family suppers together now that Libby is able to tell you what occured in her day! She always starts off by sayin Reeso shut door he naughty he got time out! This has been the opener for I'd say the last 2 months! So either it happened once and it was a significant learnng lesson for daycare or I think poor Reeso takes a really long time to learn hes not to shut the door! Other then that shes sassy as ever! Then Friday came and we decided to go out to timberlodge and celebrate ma completing radiation!! Officially done! We had a nice time the kids behaved pretty well and supper was great!! For Saturday plans PAINTBALLIN!! WOHOO!!! It was a beautiful perfect day to run wildly through the woods bein a target or hunter with shooting prey however you want to look at it!! We had a blast I have to many welts to count! I think my lesson I've learned is there is no way I would join the military I cant sit still I have to move thus the consequence for this is the patient non moving can sit behind the tree and pelt me!!! Dont get me wrong I gave some pelts back!! I think we did 4 hours of paintballin long fun day!! We finished the day up by goin to an old good friend of mine's place Amber! A lot of fun she has a daughter just 4-5 months older then Libby they had a blast it was super cute to watch them introduce themselves to each other with out adult help I was pushing them in this two person swing thing and Libby goes I Libby Bell I'm 2 and Kayla says I'm Kayla Halverson im 2!! What little grown ups it kind of made me think of Forrest Gump!! By he end of the night they hugged each other and I hope will be life long friends like me and kaylas mom!! How sweet would that be we get to hang out more because our kids have a "playdate"!! But we will see!! Another cool thing that happened this week was I submitted the cakes that I've made for dads and Libs birthday to a website called and they excepted them!! Pretty neat!! Dugan's birthday is Friday and He decided he wanted a Wario cake so thats my next project to defeat I'll post pictures!!!(only if it turns out hahaha!)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Mini Get Away!
Josh and I just got back from our little mini vacation of snowmobilin! We had a great time we did find a lot of snow for the first part of saturday our original plan was to ride from Garrison to Walker it wouldve been 165 mile run roughly which we were up to but we found out the ride there was kinda boring just a strait shot with no turns so ur only choice for excitement was to go fast! We then changed our plans we went from Garrison to Brainard got lost for about 1/2 hour trying to find our way through town stopped at a little town after there we then went to nisswa to cross lake to crosby to ironton(ironton was by mistake!) That was another hour of back and forth tryin to find a way home! At this point of the trip it was upper 40's I was riding with no gloves and we all took our facemasks off it was pretty warm! So with the warm temps came the mud and the water we drove on one trail for probably 10 miles with no snow! We were so ready to get home at this point, We left our cabin at 9am and it was 7:00-7:30 and 150 miles before we got home!! I was so tired and sore, and today its even worse I cant get up with out groanin in pain but it was all worth it! We got our last ride in for the season so lets bring on the sunshine and fishin!!!!!!!!! Libbys ready for swimmin and I know she will love campin! Libs is still on her fetish with bugs everytime she sees one she yells bug ma bug yuck! Then she puts her face within inches of it and scopes her out close! Everyone have a great week I sooo need to go to bed after all Its back to reality work work work!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Nothin Much!
Weve been busy here at the bell house thats for sure!! Josh is back to work full time again!! WOHOO!!! Work for me is busy which is good!! Libs and I had a productive weekend Friday we were able to visit my g&g soost had a lot of fun, Libby yelled at grandpa for makin a mess with his hangers! She drug grandma all around to play with her, all u heard was cmon grandma cmon!! After that we ran alot of errands and finished the day off by walkin around fountain lake! That was a good 5 mile walk!! It was soo nice out I think it may of hit 50! Saturday we had friends over Libs says she just loves parties!! Today we went to church Libs was good!! So we thought we would finish the day up by havin an awesome supper we had ribs and baked potatoes! It sure was cute watchin Libs grab a big bone of ribs and eatin every last drop of meat off the bone! She's learnin more an more she almost says the whole alphabet all by herself she gets to P then it gets a little shady but she always has a good finish even if its not right!! Her new kick is sayin her tummy hurts in fact tonight she was holdin her arm and sayin aww my tummy hurts my tummy I said to her wait wears ur tummy she looks at me and laughs and goes oh! Busted!! Such a drama queen!! The other mornin Libs was eatin cereal and our insurance guy came over he asked Libby you eatin breakfast she goes no Im eatin cereal!!! Well thats about all, today Libs surprised me and said ma Dugans birthday is comin up!! That girl loves birthdays she dont care whos it is as long as theres a birthday!!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
So not much new things have gone on here at the Bell House! Josh's work has been slow so thats kind of been a bummer but like always we will manage! Libby is keepin us busy! The poor little squirt had strep and double ear infections over the weekend so she was kinda ok (SUPER) crabby! But all is well now, she's startin to work on her colors more and more! She's having more little sweet moments where she'll just run up to you and give you a big hug and say I love you! So I now know I have to watch my p's and q's the other day I made homemade carmel corn and I gave her a bowl of her own to eat so she sat on the couch and was eating all good so far well she stood up and decided she wanted to jump off the couch so she set the bowl down on the seat cushion and went to hop down and knocked her bowl of popcorn off she was soo mad she didnt even hesitate she yelled Ahh DAMN IT! Josh and I were soo taken back we couldnt help but laugh it was cute she was spot on in using the term the right way but yes we did go over that it was a naughty word! I say it almost every time I blog but she is growing up soo fast the things she tells me I just stop in amazement since when am I able to have a conversation with my little girl! To all have a good week!!!
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