Our Kiddo's

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Enjoying A Blizzard!

Monday, November 29, 2010
Piper Got Tubes!

Well our little Piper the Viper had surgery this morning and had tubes put in! She was a happy happy camper before the surgery, flirting with the nurses and dr! Talking away and Loving her new little stuffed animal that was left for us from the hospital! She went to surgery about 8am and I didnt get to see her again until 9:10...long wait that I wasn't expecting to have! It was Super Cute to see her getting wheeled down the hall to the O R in this big bed, she looked like she was thinkin hmm. this is a SWEET stoller, she was looking around smiling at everyone and enjoying the ride! The surgery was a little more difficult than thought, she still had double ear infections that hadn't cleared up from a week ago! So the Dr had to work thru a lot of puss to get the tubes in, he said he's a little worried that the tubes are goin to get plugged because of how inflamed and full of puss they were that they were bleeding. The blood I guess can plug the tubes, so my fingers are crossed and I'm sending up a few extra prayers for Piper!! When Piper came out of surgery the nurse had given me a fair warning that she was TICKED off! So I got a bottle ready and the nurse was NOT lying ,I could hear Piper screaming this "i'm super ticked off and dont like any of these mean people anymore scream"!! She cried for awhile and drank a bottle and a half then fell asleep! She's been sleeping alot of the day, but managed to wake up enough to have lunch and give me a few smiles, I just can't be out of her site or she lets me know shes not happy and wants to be cuddled! Her Right ear is draining blood and some pus and the left is just pus so I'm hoping in the next couple of days her hearing comes back to 100% and that her pain goes away so she can know what she really is supposed to feel like and hear like!! On a Positive side note we managed to get our tree up(libby got to pick it out and thought it was pretty funny hauling a xmas tree home in my yukon!) We put all the xmas decorations up and lib's was on cloud nine! She helped put ornaments on the tree...lets just say it was HEAVILY decorated 4ft and lower for awhile! We put up our stockings and the next morning when Libby came downstairs she went over and checked her's and asked why her's was still empty! I have a feeling this is gonna be her best yet christmas!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Happy Turkey Day!!!!

Well Thanksgiving has came and gone!(WOW!!) We're getting ready to Christmas up our house..To say the least Libby is excited!!! We had a great thanksgiving ate plenty and spent some great time with the Family! Kim and I managed to get out with the crazies and do some shopping, got some deals and lost a lot of sleep, but it was worth it....right?! As for our girls their getting big, Piper is into doing this eye squinty smile thing and then sticking her tongue out...She's super close to crawling she can get to her hands and knees and rock back and forth, even with out the crawling part she's getting into everything she manages to roll and army crawl to where she wants, as I write this she has managed to get into my mail and start eating the enevelopes! She still has been battling the ear infections has had another set of infections, so she goes in for tubes on Monday! Hopefully this will help, she has 30% hearing loss and the dr. thinks the reason why she's been so good with the ear infections is due to the fact she doesn't know any different, I kind of think that may be right! She's a happy little girl who you very rarely hear cry! As for Libby dance and preschool are goin well, she's really into how to train your dragon and just recently has taken a loving to wwe wresteling, she just got into trouble at daycare for tellin a boy she was gonna kick his butt like john cena! Josh has been staying busy with work, he also managed to find time to turn the big 30!! We went out for supper and had some fun! As for me I'm just trying to hold down the fort! Till next time Happy holidays!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010

Can't believe Halloween is approaching us fast! Libby is pumped to go trick or treating! She is going to be a bumble bee and Piper is a flower! We're carving pumpkins tonite..should be fun(usually is)!! Last weekend I took my nephew Dugan to WWE up at the target center...an experience for me, we had a blast!!! Dugan was my commentator the whole time and LOVED every minute of it! As for Libby Preschool is goin well she just had her preschool screening and did really well of course to no ones surprise she over achieved on her social skills!! She's still a dancing and singing machine, just today at lunch she was singing what do you do when your shirt catches on fire...just 3 simple steps to put the fire out...stop drop and roll all around! Glad she knows it but I find it all little odd they made a cute song about your shirt catching on fire!Piper Ann is growing up quickly too, ready to full blown crawl any day now! She kind of Army scoots on her belly now to get things she wants! EVERYTHING I mean EVERYTHING goes into her mouth! She was quiet in the living room the other day I went to go check on her and she had broken into the box of wipes shredded them all over the livingroom and managed to save a handful for her mouth! She's a very happy little girl she smiles and coo's all the time! When she wakes up..the second she opens her eyes she's smiling and jabberin up a storm...if she turns out to be my quiet one I will be surprised!! Other then the girls keeping up busy it's life in general..work and runnin here and there! Have a Happy and Safe Halloween!!!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Pipers tooth has officially made an appearance!!
Well I'm back from Dallas and had a Blast!! The company I went down for had a surprise for us and picked us up in a stretch hummer! Pretty Sweet, it was funny seeing all the people trying to look in and see who was in there! I went out on Thursday night and got back Sat. Night! Today I had to check on the progress of Pipers tooth...and it finally peeked all the way thru!! Wohoo!! She's sittin up and playing all the time and is Super ticklish, Josh and I founf her drive her crazy spots and she just squirms!!! She still gets really bashful to Josh whenever he smiles at her she smiles really big and turns her head into whoever holds her...it's soo cute!!! Little miss libby goes to Preschool screening tomorrow so I hope all goes well!! When I was in Dallas and I would talk to Libby I told her I was blowing her a kiss and she says hang on Mom it's comin thru the door now.....GOT IT!! I will put it in my pocket for later!!! Where the heck does she come up with this stuff!!! Other then that Libs and Piper continue to grow and grow and Libby is getting excited for christmas she went thru the fleetfarm catalog and circled pretty much everything! Josh is still staying super busy with side Jobs and Pipers room is still on hold, cant wait until its back on the top of the list!!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
happy 1/2 birthday to Piper Ann!!!!
I cant believe my lil piper is a half a year old!!!! She unfortunately has been sick over, this milestone, double ear infections and bronchitis! Yuck!! But fortunate for me shes such a trooper, doesnt cry, but just looks at ya with miserable eyes! Shes going on day 6 with the junk so shes getting better, for her 1/2 birthday we celebrated by letting her have townhouse crackers....she LOVED them!! I gave her some homemade noodles out of my soup and she didnt really care for those! But this morning I made homemade waffles and she gobbled them up, just sat on my lap with her mouth open waiting for it!!! She now weighs 19lbs 3oz and is 27 inches long she 95% for weight and 85% for height so shes not lacking in the growth dept!! She is officially sitting up by herself and rolls all over the living room so the putting her on a blanket thing doesnt really work anymore!! Her eyes are kind of a greenish blue brown right now...dont know if they will get the full brown like libby or settle into green?? We will see!! As for Libby she can now write her own name, I was watching princess and the frog with her the other day and I asked her what she would wish for...she looks at me and goes mmm I would wish to be a princess but i gotta be a bug(she was refrencing to halloween, im having her be a bee(in my defense she was a princess last year, and her being a bee works well with pipers flower costume, and her bee costume is very girly tutu stuff sooo its not all horrible!) So after I stopped laughing at her I asked what else she would wish for she got up and kind of bounced on her bed and the bed kind of creaked and squeeked(its an iron bed) and she goes to me I'd like to wish for a quiet bed! So I'm kind of thinking a new bed will be in the future since afterall the bed is only 60 plus yrs old and the matress is at least 50! Libs is now sick too but being a trooper as well!! She's really loving life now with preschool riding the bus and going to dance, shes my little busy body she loves to be doing something or going somewhere! Thats all for now!!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day 2 of preschool!

Thought I would finally get around to uploading some of the pictures from Libs 1st day of preschool! Libby completed her 2nd day and I think she had a great time, I havent had a chance to talk to her yet because she's been sleeping since her ride home with her dad!! So were having a quiet night at home just hanging out catching up on some tv time! Enjoy the pictures!!!!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
First Day of Preschool!
Libby has only been waiting for this day her WHOLE life!!! Preschool is here!! I took the day off today to spend some time with her and to share in the excitement of it all....I gotta say it was well worth it!! We slept in we layed in bed and watched cartoons together we played on the playset...and then it was time to go to preschool!!! We took the memorable photo's and we were on our way!! In the car I told her I was sooo excited for her and she says to me awww thanks mama thats soo nice!(3 goin on 30!) We got to the room(yes more pictures!!) Libby walked over hung up her back pack and off she went to play! I had to stop her just so I could get a kiss and then she says to me ok bye mom! So Off I went and Lib's never looked up never even had a thought about missing me or wanting me to stay! I gotta say when I left I felt so PROUD of my little girl, she handled herself great and this day meant sooo much to her!! So I went and ran errands then went to my mom and dads house and waited at the end of the driveway(yes with the video camera!) Libby got off the bus with this huge smile on her face but acting like a Pro the whole time! My baby is all grown up!! Her next big event is dance and she starts that on monday, as Im writing this she has her dance costume on and loving it!! As for Piper Ann she remains a happy smiley laid back easy going babe!!!! She sitting up really well now and rolls like crazy!! Till Next time, take care all!!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Summers comin to an end!
Well August blew by pretty fast! I havent posted in awhile so I figured im due! We just got home from a weekend at garrison it was a little chilly with it getting down to 40's at night! There was no swimming or watersports just plane old relaxing,some fishing,beaching(in pants and sweatshirts and looking for sea shells,and of course some campfires! We had a blast the pictures I posted earlier was the trip to the beach Pipers 1st beach trip! she did manage to get a handful of sand and give it a taste, she didnt cry or make a yucky face she just sat there waiting for me to clean her up! Thats pretty much her attitude shes my little homie,not a care in the world hardly ever cries and just wants to hang out! Shes just starting to hold her own bottle a little bit she can sit up on her own for about 20 to 30 seconds before falling over,but if u put her on the couch she will lounge and watch tv for an hour! She drops a smile at you in a heartbeat and she has found her voice she screams highpitch and happy and sometimes she sounds just like a morning dove! She still loves her bouncer too! She has 2 teeth just starting to make an appearance!She loves watching her sister thats for sure! As for libs shes still music crazy on the top of her list which she sings hourly is bulletproof or california girls in iowa dazy hoops and bikinis on top(she adlibs alot!) She starts preschool next week and is Super excited! We went and met her preschool teacher and seen her classroom last week and she made herself right at home and cant wait! She has got an excellent memory (bad for mom but good for her!) she can do her abc's pretty well and count to 14 and spell her 1st and last name now! All in all my babies are growing up too quick! Piper had a little boy at daycare scratch her and libby was quick to stick up for her so thats good! Josh and I are keeping busy we are doin alot of shingling jobs good on the pocket book bad on the body! Well thats it for now! Take care!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Well Folks the title says it all!!! We have been soooo busy I cant believe its August and even more so my lil piper ann is 4 mos old, rolling over smilin, cooing and has just figured out the jumperoo!!! Her eyes I think are on the turning point towards brown!(Sorry Josh, guess my brown eyes are a little more dominate!!) Shes getting stronger and stronger I think she was up to 17 seconds of freestyle sitting!! She's eating cereal at night now and loves it!! Her actual 4 mos checkup is this friday and I'm guessing she will be tippin the scales at 16lbs!! As for my lil sassy pants Libby she will be starting preschool next month and riding the bus!! Where did the time go!! She's turned into a little fish and loves the water!! She still cracks me up with things she says, like yesterday I went to pick her up from my parents house and she came in from outside and goes to me oh mom do you have your air conditioning on in the car my mouth is really dry?!!!! Then theres always her newest little sassy coments such as its not my problem it's yours!! Other then my little ladies growin up and amazing me everyday, there has just been runnin here or there going up north and Josh working side jobs!!!! I 'm going to upload a video of Libby singing to Piper while piper is in her new favorite thing to do,, Jumperoo!! Have a good week!!!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Well I havent blogged in awhile so I figured I should get to it!! Summer is half over all ready and we have been BUSY!!!! Libby completed and passed swimmin lessons!! Piper is smiling and cooin like crazy!! Shes sleeping well and encountered her 1st ear infection!! Surprise Surprise!!! The doc says if she has one more were doin tubes soooooo I'm guessing tubes will be in b4 christmas!! We Just got back from the annual trip "up North", Libby had a blast, her turtle won slow poke(she wasnt too crazy about holding the turtles or wanting to do anything with them)Libby was tube crazy, she wanted to go faster and faster and again and again!!! Josh is staying busy at work, the tornado has kind of boosted his line of work! Now josh just needs to find time to work on pipers room, cuz that little girl doesnt have much more time in the bassinet!!! Well thats all for now Hope everyone has a great next week!! Were plannin a big zoo trip next saturday(in Libs words IM SOOO EXCITED!!!) Another little phrase I need to put down to remember so I can show libby when she has a daughter with attitude is her saying when I asked her for my phone and couldnt find it she says to me Its not my problem mom its yours!!!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
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